Defence & Security // The  International Forum on Technology Assisted Learning for Defence, Security and Emergency Services
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Registration and coffee



Opening Session
New threats and challenges


Emerging threats and challenges; The cyber threat – recent developments; The new information age - managing transparency and security; The pace of technological change: how can security training keep up?; Information security; Maritime security: anti-piracy training, protecting ports, ships and freight; Transport security: training to protect roads, rail, ports and airports; Threats to food and water; Border security and customs training; Natural disasters; Threats to health; Threats to education and learning; Security training for prisons, hospitals and schools; Coordinated ‘anarchy’ and threats to public order; The Open Society and the Surveillance Society: learning, liberty and values

Dr Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems, Ireland
“Innovative learning and the impact of crisis: threat, opportunity and demographic time bombs”

Dr Harald Niggemann, Federal Office of Information Security, Germany
“Preventive Cyber Security: Establishing a Modular Training Centre”

Lt Rui Cordeiro de Azevedo, Portuguese Army
“The rise of assymmestrical threats in the 21st Century”

Leonardo de Arrizabalaga y Prado, CEO, Beneplacito, S.L., Spain
“Multiculturalism, Modernity, and Security”

Jonathan Aitken, Writer, former prisoner and former UK Cabinet Minister
“A life in prison: Learning, radicalisation and rehabilitation issues”



Coffee & Tea Break



Session 1
New developments in training


New technologies and their application; Developments in police training; Developments in military training; Learning and training in prisons; Budget cuts: how technology is supporting training; Future conflict and learning; Intelligence-gathering and analysis; Training and the private security sector; New content creation; Intelligent content and semantics; Video and security learning; Practical tips (webinars, rapid e-learning, digital pens, smartphones, flash etc); The use of social media; New methods of evaluation; Training for transparency; Technology, training and ethics; Future training requirements; Future training technologies

Maj Gen Romuald Ratajczak, Rector Commandant of the Polish Defence University
“Innovative approach to education and training within the civilian and military realm. National Defence University, Warsaw, experiences”

Gp Capt Philip Sagar, Officer Commanding, Generic Education Training Centre
“Experiences of technology assisted training”

Lt Gen Andrew Graham (ret.), former Director of the UK Defence Academy
“Development of analytical skills, insight and judgement through training” – Title to be confirmed

Franck Galland, CEO, Environmental Emergency and Security Services, France
“Education in emergency preparedness and disaster management for utility and crisis response managers”






Session 2
Shifts in security learning culture


What does the next generation of learners and recruits expect?; New learning approaches and pedagogy; Motivation for learning; New assessment and evaluation approaches; Utilising crowd sourcing; Virtual mentoring and coaching; The future of educational and training publishing; Managing change; Security and transparency: security in a more open world

Dr André Booms, security training specialist, Tax and Customs Administration
“Refreshing scan and nuclear detection training for the Dutch Customs”

Alexander Streicher, Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation, Germany
“Context-Aware Mobile Learning for Reconnaissance and Surveillance”

Professor Jörg-Wilhelm Oestmann, Charité Universite, Germany
“CST Life Sciences – an international cooperative tool for civilian and military health systems”



Coffee & Tea Break


Session 3
New security learning environments


Social media / Web 2.0 / Web 3.0 / social networking; Virtual reality and real world security; Game-based learning and serious games; Developments in simulation; Point-of-need learning; The future classroom; Augmented reality: its implications and possibilities; Mobile learning – learning everywhere; Cloud computing; Personal learning environments; Into the future: what is possible?; Interactive Learning Platforms

Bela Andreas Bargel, Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation, Germany
“Automatic generation of image interpretation exercises”

Reto Schilliger, International Relations and Security Network, Zurich
“Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) and its potential to support higher learning in defence and security affairs”

Uwe Seidel, Baden-Württemberg State Police, Federal Ministry of the Interior
“Virtual training scenarios (serious games) in practice – roll-out strategy and evaluation of impact”


Closing Session
Theme: ‘Security learning – the next ten years’


Join us for the closing session of our Forum as we ask; what is next for security learning?; What can we expect from learning technologies in future?; What shifts are we likely to see in world developments that could have an effect on security learning?


Close of Forum


October 2011. The programme is subject to change.



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