Defence & Security // The  International Forum on Technology Assisted Learning for Defence, Security and Emergency Services
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Forum (DRAFT) Agenda

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Room Charlottenburg I
Intercontinental Hotel, Berlin






Welcome and introduction




Session 1

Police, Emergency Services and Civil Society

  • New developments in training and technology for police and emergency services
  • Forest fires, floods and catastrophe management training
  • Beating corruption
  • Early warning systems
  • New challenges and opportunities in the fight against crime
  • Beating criminals online: training for cyber crime
  • Interdisciplinary training
  • Privacy, Liberty and Security Training
  • Value Systems and Security Training


Speakers will include:

  • Jean-Francois Gadeceau, Assistant Director of Training, INTERPOL, France.
  • Thomas Kjaergaard, Head of E-Learning Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Denmark
  • Alan Bruce, ULS – Universal Learning Systems, Ireland
  • Col. Amardeep Bhardwaj, Army War College, India



Tea / Coffee Break in the SDL exhibition area



Session 2

Future Conflict Learning

  • The nature of modern conflict
  • How conflict and security will continue to evolve
  • Future threats, battlefields, equipment and systems
  • Future learning and training requirements
  • Naval and maritime challenges
  • Introducing new systems and technology
  • Planning and future training budgets
  • Learning and the prevention of conflict
  • Innovation


Speakers will include:

  • Chris Donnelly, CMG, Director, Institute for Statecraft and Governance, UK
  • Capt. Dr Piotr Gawliczek, Head of Innovation, National Defence University, Poland
  • Col. Dr Jeffrey D. McCausland, Distinguished Visiting Professor, U.S. Army War College, U.S.A.
  • Capt. Almeida Moura, Director, CNED, Portuguese Navy



Session 3

Security and Training Update

  • Recent developments affecting security, learning and training
  • New threats and challenges
  • The growing cyber threat
  • Innovations, new technology and new systems
  • Academia and the new security environment

Speakers will include:

  • Geoffrey Okao, Chief IT Security Officer, World Food Programme, Italy
  • Simon M. Whitby, Director of Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, University of Bradford, UK
    Tatyana Novossiolova, University of Bradford, UK
  • Alexander Streicher, Scientist, Fraunhofer IOSB, Germany
  • Senior Intelligence Officer (tbc)
  • Dr Leonardo de Arrizabalaga y Prado, CEO, Beneplácito, S.L., Spain



Tea / Coffee Break in the SDL exhbition area



Session 4

Emerging Themes: Panel Discussion

  • New trends in security learning
  • The effect of recession on security training
  • The shape of the future


A roundtable discussion with keynote speakers from the various sessions.


*DRAFT Agenda: Agenda is subject to change. Please check back frequently for updated information. All times are approximate.

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